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What is the average height of a Punganur cow?

Punganur cows are a breed of cattle that originated in the Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh, India. They are a small breed of cattle that are known for their high milk yield and adaptability to harsh climates. One of the distinguishing features of Punganur cows is their short height, which has made them popular among farmers in India.

The average height of a Punganur cow is between 70 to 90 cm (2.3 to 2.9 ft) at the shoulder. They are considered to be one of the shortest breeds of cattle in the world. The weight of an adult Punganur cow ranges between 115 to 200 kg (253 to 441 lbs), with the females being smaller than the males.

The small size of Punganur cows has made them popular among farmers in India. They are easy to manage and require less space and feed than larger breeds of cattle. They are also known for their high milk yield, with some cows producing up to 3 liters of milk per day. Their adaptability to harsh climates makes them ideal for farmers in India who live in areas with extreme temperatures.

Punganur cows are classified as a dairy breed, and their milk is highly valued for its richness and taste. The milk is used to make various dairy products, including ghee, butter, and curd. The high milk yield of Punganur cows has made them a popular choice among dairy farmers in India.

In recent years, Punganur cow milk per day have gained popularity outside of India. They are now being bred in countries like the United States and Australia, where they are used as a source of high-quality milk. However, the small size of Punganur cows has also made them vulnerable to genetic diseases and inbreeding. In order to prevent this, efforts are being made to increase the genetic diversity of the breed.

In conclusion, the average height of a Punganur cow is between 70 to 90 cm (2.3 to 2.9 ft) at the shoulder. They are one of the shortest breeds of cattle in the world and are known for their high milk yield and adaptability to harsh climates. Their small size has made them popular among farmers in India, where they are easy to manage and require less space and feed than larger breeds of cattle. They are also gaining popularity outside of India, where they are being used as a source of high-quality milk. However, efforts are being made to prevent genetic diseases and inbreeding by increasing the genetic diversity of the breed.

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